Prof S Senapati, FBIDA
Professor S Senapati has contributed enormously to BIDA. He was Hospital Doctors’ Forum Chairman from 2014-2017, has organised 4 successful BIDA oncology meetings
and 2 BIDA Obesity study days.
Professor Senapati was the organiser and speaker at the
11th BIDA International Congress and has helped rejuvenate the Manchester division.
Dr Sudhir Handa, FBIDA
Dr Sudhir Handa has been a long-term serving and active BIDA member since 1990. He has contributed as an LMC member since 1991 and been the Vice-chair 2011 - 13. He has been a GPC member 2011 - 14 and played an essential role in PCG, PCT and CCG governing board.
Dr S Sathiyaseelan, FBIDA
Dr S Sathiyaseelan was the founder member of the BIDA (ODA) of Warrington division, and established the division very successfully for about 10 years until his retirement from General Practice. He was in the posts of Secretary and chairman of the division for many years. The division hosted the AGM / ARM once in Warrington during his period. Also served as EC member in the centre in the past. As a GP, he has have worked as member of the PCG and PCT of Warrington and served as a Warrington LMC member as a GP.